“I met Lindsay because I was looking to make a more transformative change. I was already doing a lot of yoga and pilates, I even did a couple of desk ergonomic sessions at work, but the reality was, I was still slouching at my desk, looking at my phone for hours and suffering from neck and back pain. It felt like I could not do two things at once, I could either think of my posture, or think of work, and all in all I didn’t really know what a “good posture” was. I definitely didn’t know what it should feel like.
I did a group workshop, a couple of individual sessions and I felt an incredible difference. I think I won 20% of my energy back, just because I started “doing less” to have a “good posture”. I immediately felt lighter and better.”
— Joanna Podgorska, Google
“I hadn’t known this would be an effect of what I was thinking of as a “physical” therapy, but my class also helped me figure out various ways my posture and modes of carrying myself were impacting my professional and personal life. I sit and stand much more confidently now, speak more calmly and authoritatively in public settings, and generally feel healthier and more attractive (I can see myself looking different in photos).
It’s amazing what just a few sessions could do but Lindsay has really honed a technique that, while being totally concrete and matter-of-fact, teaches deep physical and emotional lessons. I have sent multiple friends to her for help with everything from foot pain to social anxiety, and I can’t recommend her more.
Taking Lindsay’s group class also solved a long-term problem I was having with periodic extremely painful spasms in my neck, due to working at a desk all day. I’d really given up on these episodes ever going away. I have not been in any kind of back or neck pain since I took the class over a year ago. ”
— Katie T.
“A lifetime of poor posture made me skeptical about being able to improve, so I was surprised to discover how much I learned at each session and happy that the training has had such a positive effect on how I sit, stand, walk, and feel. ”
— Donna D. New York
“Improving my posture has been my New Year’s resolution forever. Decades. So while better posture was one of my deepest desires, my NOT having achieved it before also made it something I’m scared to try. What if I take a class and it doesn’t work for me? Will I be confirming that it’s a hopeless goal?
Through Lindsay’s classess, I’ve had breakthroughs! It is possible to improve.
The approach is an intellectual exercise as much as a physical exercise and it really works. I’ve never been overly sporty or athletic, but I have always been really good at school. So working on my posture and movement in a somewhat more intellectual way as well as physical feels much better and more doable.
The classes aren’t about big crazy movements or holding an uncomfortable position. They’re focused on practical, everyday ways to move. Lindsay keeps us thinking about how these skills are transferrable to many, many situations beyond the class. I find myself thinking about our topics, such as posture and poise, much more often. The class keeps these top of mind.
These classes are perfect for busy working professionals — frequent enough to be valuable, but also not too intense. Intense enough, but never uncomfortable. Lindsay meets you where you are at. There’s no shame involved.”
— Carol M.
“My idea of “good posture” has changed after taking Lindsay’s group class. When you think that you have to force your body or control it, you’re probably further away from “good posture” than you think you are. You shouldn’t have to think about posture constantly. It should be something that your body is in control of, not you. I love that this is a technique that creates long term results. It’s not something that you go in to get “adjusted”. With this process you can begin to depend on yourself and how you treat and work with your body.”
— Rachel Zapata, Actor
“I’ve never heard Lindsay say “stand up straight!”—which is what many people expect to hear in a class about the way to hold your body!
The group classes are very well designed and thought out. I always learned a lot from the other students.
I never felt that any one person was getting more or less attention than anyone else. I never left feeling that I didn’t get to say what I wanted to say. The class was so well organized and the people in it were so interesting that it never felt boring.”
— Oona Short, Writer
“I took [classes] to help me to be able to stand and breathe better, especially in front of classrooms of students (something that gives me tremendous anxiety but is part of my job). I feel more confident and truly feel like I am breathing in a way I never have before, very fully. And my posture is better. I can sense when I am slouching and have a little trick to correct that. This has given me more confidence and I have been more at ease in the classroom and in presentations. It has made a huge difference in how I feel and how I am received. ”
— Rosemary Taylor, Postdoctoral Fellow/Visiting Assistant Professor at The Graduate Center, CUNY
“The workshop heightened my awareness of my posture and of how I sometimes overcorrectrather than attend to alignment issues. . .I spoke to a group of 80 people today and did not lose my voice by the end of the day.”
— Giselle Martin-Kniep, President Learner-Centered Initiatives, Ltd.
“Ms. Newitter helped me undo habits that had been tensing me up for years.”
— Phyllis Korkki, New York Times Sunday Times Editor