Individual Coaching
1:1 coaching sessions with Lindsay tailored to meet your needs.
Sessions are available online, and in person in Montréal and New York City.
Discovery Session
Let’s chat! Book a complimentary 15-minute online discovery session with me to discuss your goals and receive a personalized evaluation, including a recommendation for the best plan to help you meet them, including a tip that you can put into action right away.
Single Session
90 minutes
Are you interested booking a coaching series or my premium program, but you’d like to try one session first to see what it’s like? Sign up for a single session and if you do book series or program, you can apply what you paid for this session toward it. You will also have access to my office-hour check-ins for one week following the session.
Coaching Series
Packages of 3, 5, or 10 sessions
A series of sessions will give you a solid foundation to give you the body awareness and strategies you need to stand tall and take up your space by taking charge of your posture, breathing, voice, and mindset!
Sessions are 90 minutes and can be in person, online, or both.
I will guide you with hands-on and verbal cues to help you change unconscious physical patterns and feel what relaxed, good posture should actually feel like. (Verbal cues for online sessions)
In the sessions, you’ll learn how to stay calm, aligned, and present in your body in activites that normally trigger stress and poor posture. You’ll learn to get stop habits that are on “autopilot” and take charge of your own body.
Part of each session involves relaxing table work (or floor work during online session) that helps to released long-held tension patterns. Overall, improving posture is about letting go of chronic tension, not creating tension.
Personalized notes and resources provided to help you practice on your own.
I provide as much support as you need for this type of coaching, which include access to online check-ins with me during my weekly office hours for the duration of your package.
In these sessions, you’ll learn to:
Stop unwanted postural, movement, breathing, and vocal habits (they’re actually all related!) by releasing unessesary tension.
Develop better body awareness so that you have more command of your body even when you’re stressed.
Take charge of ineffective mindsets that show up in your body language.
Feel more grounded and confident so that you can take up your space and convey authority with ease (an NOT by feeling forced, tense, or fake).
How to reset your body when your tired, tense or stressed so that you feel relaxed and refreshed.
You’ll finish this series with a solid foundation established and a practice plan with personalised strategies and resources to help you implement them.
You’ll learn clear strategies for dealing with:
Slouching or tense shoulders
Jitters when speaking in groups (like in meetings, casual conversation, or when giving a talk).
Running out of air when you speak
Being interrupted or accidentally interrupting others
Mindsets that might be getting you tense, slouched, or interfering with your breathing.
Stress and strain that interferes with your wellbeing (using the computer, phone, walking, carrying stuff, as well as stressuful interactions with other people)
You can space your sessions out weekly or book them closer together for more intensive coaching. (The 3-session option is intensive-only.)
The option you choose depends on your goals, what works with your schedule, and how you learn best.
Why take an intensive series?
You’ve got a an event coming up: Use an intensive series work on something really specific and time-senstive that you want help with like preparing for a talk, interview, or audition.
Create a solid foundation quickly: An intensive series can also help you quickly internalize the basics and build confidence that you can continue to make progress on your own.
Scheduling: An intensive series is great for someone with a packed schedule who, instead of spreading out their sessions, would like to set aside a chunk of time to work with me.
Are you interested in intensive group work? Check out my retreat.
Why spread out your sessions?
Spreading out your sessions will give you time to practice inbetween, which works really well for some learning styles.
You don’t have a deadline your working toward (like preparing for a job interview) and taking regular (such as weekly) sessions works better for your schedule and give you more time to practice in between.
If you’d like to see if my approach is a good fit for you before committing to a series, I suggest booking a single session and you can always apply it to a package. We can also determine what timing for your sessions would work best for you during the initial sessions.
3-Session Intro Intensive Package: $795 (must be used within 2 weeks)
5-Session Package: $1250 (must be used within 3 months)
10-Session Package: $2575 (must be used within 5 months)
Premium Program
Are you ready to really dig in and leave no stone unturned?
Get unstuck in your mind and body and let me help you integrate it into your life!
What do I mean? Well, the idea for this program came out of a request I kept getting from clients that initially inspired me to design a retreat.
People kept saying, “I wish you could follow me around throughout my day!” So I created an retreat that would accomodate exactly this —
— and I’ve designed an individual program to have a similar “follow you around” effect for people who prefer to work 1:1 and aren’t able to take a week off from work to attend a retreat.
The purpose of this program is to get coaching on all of the specific activities you do while you’re actually doing them (with me there) so you can get out of habits that leave you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, tense, distracted, stressed, and unfocused.
By working on your posture, breathing, movement, and habits around concentration and mindset, you’ll become an expert at getting your mind and body aligned with your goals.
Let go of long-held physical habits and limiting beliefs that are getting in the way of you reaching your potential in your professional and personal life by working with me, not just in sessions, but in your daily activities with me there will.
How is the premium program different from a package of sessions?
It includes a detailed, fully personalized curriculum. Packages are a set number of sessions at my office. The Premium Program is customized.
I travel to you for some of the sessions. We meet in places where you want me to help you. You’ll be able to practice the new habits you’re developing in real-life situations with me there giving you cues. I will literally follow you around where you want me to in real life.
A lot of support. You’ll be given “assignments” and we’ll check in about them online between sessions.
A bigger commitment from you. I recommend completing the program in 4 weeks (6 maximum) and making sure that you can make the time to fit in all of our meetings and commit to practicing what we’re working on. You don’t actually need to set aside a lot of extra time to practice but plan to be consistent with a few simple exercises and set yourself up so that you will actually change stubborn habits. You’ll have my full support in implementing this!
I’ll provide you with fully personalized practice resources designed specifically for you (video, audio guides, and written notes) throughout the program and will provide you with a system to keep you on task based on your unique learning style.
Sample Schedule
(We will fully customize your program in the goal-setting session)
1 goal-setting session (on Zoom or in person) to plan out our time together and personalize it as much as possible
6 one-hour coaching sessions at my office (some can be online if needed)
2 1.5-hour sessions focused on walking (outdoors)
2 half-day sessions in your home and/or workplace or anywhere you’d like me to meet you
15-min Zoom check-ins between sessions for additional support
2 follow-up sessions are included as well to use anytime within 6 months of completion of the series.
You’ll finish this program feeling confident and capable and that your mind and body are aligned with your goals so that
You feel ready to take action and follow through and communicate your message with a calm authority.
We’ll get to the bottom of anxiety about speaking, feeling rushed to get the words out, or like you keep running out of air.
You’ll learn how to better manage stress, fatigue, and feelings of inadequacy or that you just can’t get it all done by learning how you can do more while creating less tension in your body.
You’ll know what this more grounded and poised way of being feels like and how to access it on your own so that this becomes the new you.
You can make sure that the way you’re moving through the day, dealing with lots of stimuli, carrying a bag, and interacting with people, you can maintain your poise and not get scrambled and scrunched.
$ 3,995
I have only 2 spots available for this program open at any given time. Click the button below to apply.
How does the application process work? You’ll be taken to my calendar to schedule a 15-minute meeting with me. After you select a date and time, you’ll fill out a short application form for us both to see if the program is a good fit for you. If there are no spots open at the time of your application, you’ll have the option to be placed on the waiting list.
All-Day Coaching
Hire Lindsay to travel to you for all-day or 2-day intensive in-person support.
Maximize your time and work with me over 1 or 2 days.
This program will be completely based completely on your needs and goals.
Full day sessions can also be shared by 2-3 people.
Here are some examples of what we can use the time for:
By-your-side guidance while you prepare presentations, pitches, performances, or record videos for your business and/or come with you to give you cues before you have to be on…(during a conference, on film shoot, in your home office)
Get direct, targeted, in-the moment support as you prepare your material or generate content for your business.
A full evaulation of your posture, movement and breathing habits and mindset and how they affect your ability to communicate well.
A global evaluation of what you do all day that affects your ability to be “on” and present. I can help you to you set up ways to practice better habits throughout your day and we can set up reminders for you in your home or workspace.
Includes a 60-minute preparatory meeting on Zoom two weeks prior to meeting to discuss your priorities and create a plan for the day. I’ll email you a schedule after our talk.
If needed, there will also be 60-minute Zoom follow-up 1-2 weeks later.
1 Day - $2,995 plus expenses
2 Days - $4,995 plus expenses